Start: Wednesday, June 26, 2024 - 01:00 pm
End: Wednesday, June 26, 2024 - 02:00 pm
Other Webinars

Join John Chrastka, Executive Director of EveryLibrary, to learn how to manage a successful library board by understanding their types, roles, and responsibilities.  Regardless of the board type, there are common responsibilities such as policy, budget, facilities, and HR. To ensure effective board management, it's important to have a well-organized agenda, follow a regular order, and use parliamentary procedures. Committees can help kill bad ideas and enhance good ones, and committee structure matters. Beyond committee work, board members can also be ambassadors for the library.  It's important to gauge trustees’ fiduciary comfort and skills, familiarity with legal issues and compliance, and familiarity with intellectual freedom and access. Bringing in outside experts such as lawyers, financial professionals, planners, space designers, and architects and engineers can also help ensure due diligence.

If you're interested but not able to attend the live webinar, go ahead and register. We'll send a recording to all registrants after the fact.


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