
The North Dakota State Library provides services for all North Dakota libraries, state government agencies and employees, and all residents of North Dakota, particularly those who do not have local public library services.

Organizational chart


Contact Us

(library account, InterLibrary Loan, reference request) 
Phone: (701) 328-4622 or 800-472-2104 
Email: sends email)

(Libraries, State Agencies, general inquiries) 
Phone: (701) 328-2492 
Fax: (701) 328-2040 
Email: sends email)

Email: sends email)

Mailing Address  
North Dakota State Library 
604 E Boulevard Ave Dept 250 
Bismarck ND 58505-0800


Department offices are open Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM, except during the following holidays when the North Dakota State Library is closed:

New Year's Day 
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 
Presidents' Day 
Good Friday 
Memorial Day 
Independence Day 
Labor Day 
Veterans Day 
Thanksgiving Day 
Christmas Eve (afternoon) 
Christmas Day



The State Library is located in the Liberty Memorial Building (the building with the large pillars) at 604 East Boulevard Avenue(link is external) on the Capitol Grounds in Bismarck, North Dakota.

Parking is available south (parking lot) and west (street parking) of the State Library. Handicapped parking is available near the southeast entrance.

Book Drops

Our book drops are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to return materials borrowed from the State Library.

Please ensure that your books are fully deposited.

Our drive-up book drop is located near the southeast entrance to the State Library by the handicapped parking. The convenient location of this book drop allows you to deposit books from your vehicle.

Our other book drop is located near the southwest entrance to the State Library, near the bottom of the wheelchair ramp.