
Federal Depository Library Program logoThe Cataloging Department manages, catalogs, and processes Federal Government publications received through the State Library's participation in the Federal Depository Library Program. Through the FDLP, citizens have free access to United States government publications on a wide variety of topics, such as North Dakota and regional census information, agricultural statistics, and health and consumer information.

In addition to the print documents held in the State Library's collection, the FDLP also provides access to a vast amount of federal government information on the web. Check out the State Library's Online Catalog for more information.


GovInfo is your gateway to free online access to official United States government publications. Through GovInfo, information seekers can access documents from Congress and federal agencies that are created in digital formats, gathered from Federal websites, and digitized versions of print publications.

MetaLib, a service of the Catalog of U.S. Government Publications, is a federated search engine that searches multiple U.S. federal government databases.

Congressional Bills
Contains all published versions of bills from the 103rd (1993-1994) Congress forward.

Budget of the United States Government
A collection of documents that contains the budget message of the President, information about the President's budget proposals for a given fiscal year, and other budgetary publications that have been issued throughout the fiscal year.